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Success Story in the Financial Sector – Advertising Monitoring

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:55 am
by babu5757
How a Credit Union Went from 19.6% Losses to 16.3% More Foreclosures in Less Than 60 Days

The Audiency platform records another successful case in the financial sector through the tool for capturing and analyzing streaming data from radio stations.

As we all know, radio is a powerful and universal means of communication, and as an advertising vehicle, it is absolutely rich and democratic. Radio advertising generates many results, which can be even better when well controlled.

Studies show that creativity , which is so important for the effectiveness of advertising new zealand girls whatsapp number can be better explored by brands when choosing audio as it offers different advertising formats.

Never has so much been invested in radio!
More data, less guesswork with the Audiency platform
“No one should have a meeting without data”


Studies by Kantar IBOPE Media, a reference in consumption data, also found that, due to the high conversion rate, 37% of those listening to the advertisement went on to research or consume that product.

As a result, radio advertising has never been as booming as it has been in the last 3 years, and several market sectors have started to include radio media campaigns in their communication budget.

Among the different sectors that advertise the most on the radio are Consumer Services (26%), Commerce (23%), Public and Social Administration (8%) and, in fourth place for the largest investments in the medium, the Financial and Insurance sector (8%). It is no wonder, since 83% of the population listens to the radio and the medium has gained even more credibility in the last year.

However, for these companies to receive the appropriate return on their investment, they need to assertively analyze the service contracted and what they are receiving as a return on this investment.

After all, those who advertise online can have a real-time view of the campaign's performance and, if the performance is not adequate, it is easier to change course. And what about radio? How can I obtain proof? How can I monitor the broadcasts?

Thus, observing these issues was the starting point for Audiency to create the largest streaming data analysis platform in the radio industry. Among its success stories, one that stands out is that of a credit union that, upon contracting the platform, began to observe a significant increase in results.

Credit Union – Success Story in the Financial Sector
In the first month of services, it was observed that, of the number of spots contracted, only 75.9% were broadcast correctly. Meanwhile, 5% were executed outside the time slot and 19.6% were not identified. Three months after contracting the platform, the company obtained 16.3% more executions than contracted. Too much advertising? In fact, the result reflects the compensation for spots executed outside the scheduled time or that were not replaced as scheduled.