CanadaSpace. food scraps 2 video site I won't give you the whole page, but suffice it to say that the video doesn't appear anywhere on the page – nor on page 2. And despite the fact that it says the number of video results found are 191, there are only 2 pages of results, with only about 10 results per page. Odd. Let's try another random video. Continuing along the food theme, I picked the rather dystopic "The End of Food.
Paul roberts video screenshot The captions france email list I tested did not turn the YouTube page up in the search results. What did turn up, interestingly enough, was this: paul roberts caption site It's a captioning service. And if you look at the bottom right of the screenshot, you can see that they have the entire text of the video captions… because they wrote them. As you can see above on the original screenshot of the video, the captions are attributed to SubPly.
Com. So far, SEO benefits of having a transcript seem to be that if you hire someone else to write your caption transcript and it stays on their site, they may get the SEO benefit. (Important to note: I did check the YouTube video page source code for the words in the videos I checked – none of them had the words in the code.) One more try. Yet another food video. I'll explain: I went into YouTube Advanced Search, checked off the "only captioned videos" box, and decided to put "food" in the search box.
Let's see what's in the first listing
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