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Are you testing (and refining) the campaign?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:12 am
by sakibkhan22197
For example, if you sell specialty footwear, instead of targeting “shoes,” focus on keywords like “women’s waterproof hiking boots” or “men’s lightweight trail running shoes.” Just make sure they’re relevant to your products and ads.

A graph showing search volume and conversion rate, using long-tail keywords
These long-tail keywords may better represent what your potential customers are searching for.

This targeted approach means you're phone number in korea advertising to buyers who are already interested in your specific offering, increasing the chances of a sale. However, they tend to have lower search volumes, which you need to factor into your overall advertising strategy.

Are you testing (and refining) the campaign?
Regularly check the performance of your keywords. If certain keywords aren't attracting clicks or conversions, replace them and monitor the performance of the new ones.

Keyword selection isn't a one-time task. Experiment with different phrases to see which ones resonate most with your target audience.

For example, if "organic coffee beans" doesn't work well, t


ry "organic freshly roasted coffee" and compare the results.

This ongoing process helps you refine your strategy, ensuring it remains effective over time.

Read more : How to do PPC keyword research for profitable CPC campaigns