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And engagement means precisely that in Spanish: commitment

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 4:32 am
by rosebaby37123
Engagement: What It Is and How to Take Advantage of It

It is common to hear in Marketing, and especially in digital marketing , the term engagement , which is about the relationship between a brand and its customer.

A relationship must be built on trust, and in real life, trust is built little by little and with a lot of communication in between.

Something similar happens with engagement in the digital world. Interactions are crucial for this variable to increase in number, and many times, when brands enter the digital world, they forget that behind the social media profiles or the numbers in the statistics there are people who feel and suffer.

The best way to touch the hearts of these people is to know them perfectly, as this is the only way to know how to help them.

If your brand is trying to solve a problem or need, quality and valuable content for the audience you are supposed to already know should be focused on their emotions and desires.

However, although there is a lot of talk about the term engagement, very few know its true meaning and importance.

Knowing how far you can go with good engagement, you'll want to get the most out of it, and that's what we want to talk about in this article.

What is Engagement?
Engagement is the commitment that has been generated between a user/client and the brand, as a result of communication strategies.

That is why in the introduction we told you that a commitment requires, in addition to respect, a lot of communication.

This is why it is important to know a lot about consumers, because the hospitals email list more you know, the better tactics and strategies you will put into practice to make the relationship stronger and long-term.

Engagement can be measured in different ways, such as:


Repeat visits to a site.
Bounce rate.
Repeat purchase.
Number of pages viewed per user.
Dwell time.
Comments on blogs or social networks.
Sharing social media content
Therefore, for engagement to be higher or positive, it is your job as a brand to create a bond with your consumers and get them to commit to having a long-lasting and loyal relationship.

The 3 Fundamental E's of Engagement
In the field of Engagement, there is a guide to follow and that is Jamie Anderson's. He theorizes about the 4 fundamental E's that everyone interested in the growth of their company should have as a guide. We explain them below.