How important is the ‘global versus local’ debate here?

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How important is the ‘global versus local’ debate here?

Post by Jahangir655 »

This is where centralising your thought leadership and research programmes is so important. Speaking with one voice creates a powerful cumulative impression. And when you do give some freedom to local markets, it will be a lot easier to be coherent and relevant if you get the right people involved from the very beginning and produce fewer outputs but make them work harder.

Are there any other opportunities to amplify thought leadership at these events?
Emily: A multichannel approach to amplification is really important with any campaign, but it’s particularly crucial in this type of environment where the potential audience reach is so vast. Think about what stage your audiences are at in terms of awareness and engagement, and look for opportunities to connect with them at a time and place that suits them.

For existing customers, for example, you could invite them to an exclusive list of el-salvador cell phone numbers event at the conference – a seminar, workshop or roundtable. Or if you are exhibiting you could invite them on to your stand for a customised view of the insights.

But for those who don’t yet know you, look for peripheral opportunities to reach them. Does the event have a strong social presence you can piggyback on? Does it have a conference programme or daily news bulletin to which you could submit a bylined article about the research? Or perhaps another organisation is hosting an event and you could partner with them to extend your reach?

It’s now widely recognised that diverse leadership means greater breadth of experience and perspective, which means new ways of thinking, faster innovation and fewer strategic blind spots. All that aside, a more inclusive leadership team leads to more inclusive thinking, and sets the tone for an open and equitable organisational culture.

Progress has been made, but the reality is that our boardrooms and executive teams aren’t keeping up with this perception shift. While there are promising signs of leadership gender equality improving (although there’s still a long way to go), progress on ethnic diversity in particular is lagging behind.
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