Planning to make sure that the lighting is right, someone is there to moderate and answer questions that are asked, and that the phone is being held in the right way to capture what you are looking for. However, once these details are settled, you can find great success in live engagement. Talk to an expert #7: Celebrate Special Occasions TikTok videos are expected to be posted on a very frequent basis, anywhere from once a day up to ten times a day.
That means that there is plenty of opportunities for you to find special italy telegram number list occasions to celebrate that might otherwise be dropped from a traditional marketing plan. While the major holidays definitely need to have their moments in your TikTok social media plan, you can have fun with minor holidays and anniversaries, like the anniversary of your last big campaign or the daily national holidays that fill the calendar.
Pick ones relevant to your brand and expand the traditional holiday calendar. #8: Join in on Trends Trends on TikTok are some of the most popular videos. Trends can include things like a certain audio clip being replayed in different contexts, a type of video filter, a recreation of another popular video, or even dance and music trends. Joining in a trend can make your brand feel relevant to audiences and can help you create special, unique marketing moments that can’t be planned in a regular media schedule.