Understand the customer journey and sell more!

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Understand the customer journey and sell more!

Post by shanti65 »

The big secret to increasing sales is to offer the most suitable product to the right person at the best time. Although it may seem easy in theory, this is a task that requires a lot of research and understanding of the customer journey .

In other words, understanding the steps a person goes through until they actually make a purchase.

Continue reading to better understand what the customer journey is and how it can help increase your company's conversions!

What is the customer journey?
From the moment a person feels a need or understands that they have a problem, they embark on a journey until they choose a solution. In other words, until they decide to close a contract or buy a product/service.

Depending on where that person is, they are at a different canada telephone number stage of the customer journey. So, everyone goes through a different path to becoming a customer.

The customer journey is divided into 3 stages which we will see below.

1 – Learning and discovery
This is the first stage of the journey. Here, your potential customer is not yet sure whether they have a problem that needs solving. Likewise, they have not yet identified a valuable opportunity in the market.

Precisely because there is no immediate need to purchase , this is not a suitable stage for aggressive approaches.

Therefore, presenting the company's unique features or offering promotions and discounts here can have the opposite effect. By impacting the potential customer in this way, you can drive them away.

2 – Problem recognition
Now your potential buyer has identified that he has a problem that needs to be solved. He has a clear idea of ​​what his needs are and, therefore, he starts to research alternatives .

At this stage, the customer will try to learn more about their “pains” and the opportunities available in the market. In other words, this is an educational moment for them to learn how your company can help them.

It is worth mentioning, however, that it is not yet time to invest in an aggressive sales approach. Here, the important thing is to provide content that helps them better understand the impacts of their problems, as well as the benefits of solving them.

Work with educational content and launch a campaign to capture leads . But don't forget to continue nurturing these contacts with relevant information until they become customers.

3 – Consideration of the solution
Now is the time to adopt more targeted and aggressive sales strategies . Your potential customer already knows how to solve their problem. Therefore, they start comparing companies and products that can best serve them.

A good tip at this stage is to create a sense of urgency . Free trials, special prices for those who buy now, and other strategies help drive purchases at this stage.

It is very common for potential customers to forget that they have a problem and end up not taking any action at this stage. Therefore, it is important to create conditions so that they do not put it off until later.

And, of course, in addition to the advantages of closing a deal, don't forget to also present your company's unique features.
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