What is the main purpose of this email?

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What is the main purpose of this email?

Post by rosebaby37123 »

All marketing experts recommend not only sending welcome emails, but also making the best use of them and creating a perfect first experience of the brand.

Welcome emails are an important part of your strategy to increase customer loyalty in email marketing campaigns.


The welcome email is the most important email brands can send to nursing homes email list new subscribers.

Yes, even more important than all the broadcast, targeted and combined messages. On the other hand, the welcome email is the best option to convert new subscribers into lifelong customers and readers. Therefore, a good welcome email has the following purposes:



Provide subscribers with the value proposition the brand promised during the subscription process (e.g., a 15% discount).
Direct subscribers to take the next steps in their Buyer Journey , whether that's creating an account, completing a download, initiating a purchase, or whatever the strategic goals may be.
Build engagement right away. Why wait to start creating it?


[Tweet “The main purpose of welcome emails is to provide subscribers with the value proposition that the brand promised during the subscription process.”]


And if you're still not convinced by these types of emails, here are some statistics on how many brands send welcome emails that speak for themselves. Most of them hover a few points above or below 50%:


A 2015 Salesforce benchmark study found that 42% of brands sent welcome emails. Among those that did use these types of emails, 72% rated them as highly effective.
Econsultancy’s 2017 survey of UK and US marketers found that 44% sent welcome emails – a surprising 2% reduction from 46% in 2016.
Among the top 100 online retailers' e-commerce websites, 87% send welcome emails and 49% of those brands send more than one.

Email structure
To help you create an effective welcome email, here is the structure of a good one that connects with subscribers from the first moment, or “love on the first date.”


Welcome note
Welcome emails should start with a warm introduction that reflects your company's personality. For example, you can present a great introductory message thanking new subscribers for making the company a part of their graduation day, if applicable.

You can write something simple like, “Welcome to our email list” or “Thank you for signing up to receive our emails.”

There's no right or wrong way to welcome new guests—just make sure it's conversational and fits your company's voice.
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