That asserted patents are well-founded, supported by strong claims, and based on true technological contributions. By prioritizing the validity and strength of asserted patents, inventors and companies can address the risk of frivolous litigation and save resources for legitimate assertion efforts to protect innovation. Defensive Responses: A Complex Web of Countermeasures Engagement in patent assertion often prompts defensive responses from the defendant.
These responses may include counterlitigation, seeking to challenge the validity of the asserted patent, or filing an inter partes review (IPR) to initiate formal patent reexamination proceedings. While these protective measures indian mobile number list are an important part of the patent assertion landscape, they can escalate into protracted legal battles that consume time and resources. Guiding these defensive responses requires a strategic approach that anticipates potential challenges.
Inventors and companies must be prepared to face challenges to patent validity and effectively respond to legal actions initiated by defendants. A well-prepared assertion strategy should include a thorough assessment of the strength of the asserted patent, supported by expert analysis and comprehensive evidence of its novelty and non-obviousness.