By buying you have acted as a lender

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By buying you have acted as a lender

Post by AnamikaSA60 »

And as you know, the very fluctuating share prices on the capital market who need quick money get heartbroken. Yes, the opportunity to make quick money is there, but the risks are also high. If the condition of the JCI is in the red like when this article was written, we might cry. You have to wait until it stabilizes again if you want to use the money. These short-term ORI Invest Short-Term Debt Securities and Retail Government Bonds provide flexible terms from one month to one year.

Short-term debt securities are designed for short-term savings and provide very low returns whereas bonds provide more flexibility but are not necessarily safe. Another short-term investment that is also popular indian email address list in Indonesia is ORI retail government bonds. Investment vehicles are basically debt securities issued by the government. Since it was issued by the government, it is guaranteed that the risk level of this investment tool is very low. The government guarantees itself.


Even though the risk is low, the minimum investment in ORI is still quite large. The minimum ORI purchase is usually millions of rupiah and has a term of one year. Even though the investment tool has a long term, investors can choose to hold it for a period of time or sell it to the secondary market to obtain capital gains. Retail Savings Bonds Just like ORI retail government bonds, retail savings bonds are also an investment product in the form of debt securities issued by the government.
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