So try and use these four points here to come up with your ideas, and make sure the ideas you come up with are truly relevant to your customer and not just being done purely for link building. 2. Move beyond campaigns Second point, second thing we can do to evolve our link building is to move beyond big, shiny, interactive link building campaigns. Now, we've built hundreds of these over the years at Aira. We will continue to build them.
I love a good, shiny, interactive hero campaign. But I believe there's more we can do when email lists uk it comes to content-led link building. So there's four things we can do here. So firstly, try and make any campaigns, any content that you come up with evergreen. What I mean by that is it shouldn't be a start and a stop campaign, where you launch a campaign, do your outreach, and then forget about it and move on to the next one.
campaigns that you can outreach and promote over and over and over again. If you can do that, it continues to be relevant throughout the year, across multiple years. It isn't just a one-off campaign that you're hoping will get links before you move on to the next one. The second thing you can do is actually not to stop the outreach. So most SEOs actually will outreach a campaign and then stop once that campaign is finished and move on to the next one.