Other types of websites that we can see in the ranking

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Other types of websites that we can see in the ranking

Post by Md5656se »

Within the ranking we can also find a weather information website , eltiempo.es, taiwan phone code and the travel comparison site Tripadvisor.

On the other hand, it is also funny that we find Google itself (both in .es and .com versions) within this ranking.

Comparative models
Having comparative data models is essential, since we can make segmentations in many ways, mainly this type of data I prefer to take as indicated below.

The first way is with a global data index , analyzing only those that are in the first positions globally.

SEMrush SEO Ranking - Comparative Models by Country
By country


Where we would then be left with the domains of:

And thirdly by devices

With these filters we can now see a little better who the winner is in any case.

Most searched words
A curious case is that, although Wikipedia is one of the most authoritative domains in the world, as we have seen before, in Spain it has the majority of traffic due to the brand name of a second competitor: YouTube.

If we analyze which URLs have the most traffic and keywords positioned, we can see the following data:
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