By looking at items frequently found in your customers’ baskets, machine learning can recommend multiple engaging courses of action that might appeal to their needs. This includes everything from suggesting products that complement each other to applying tailored discounts to discourage basket abandonment. Even australia whatsapp users more specifically, machine learning can ensure items that are frequently purchased together are also restocked at similar times. This level of analysis would be time-consuming for employees, but takes no time at all for computers.
Similarly to both predictive and basket analysis, ML can take historical data and with the right model, use it to calculate customer lifetime value. Looking deeper than simply purchase to purchase, understanding the value that a customer can bring to your business is incredibly important - especially for customer retention which, as previously mentioned, is valuable.
Using AI to minimise lost opportunities
Wasted products and missed opportunities are the bane of retail life. Thankfully these are also areas in which machine learning can make a big difference.
Predicting demand
Demand forecasting is an essential element of retail and, when done correctly, minimises the risk of wasting product while at the same time allowing you to prepare for favourable trends. Being able to accurately predict demand is essential for every area of a retail business.
Demand forecasting with machine learning is effective and easy - and, by the nature of machine learning, will only continue to improve itself over time. By feeding the right machine learning model the correct data, the model can easily be trained, tested, and fine-tuned until it’s ready to predict future demand for your business.