Log in to your administrator account.

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[email protected]
Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2025 8:19 am

Log in to your administrator account.

Post by [email protected] »

Click on the add new button that you will see under the Users tab.
You must create a new user account. Then, define this new account as Administrator. Remember to specify the username as Administrator, Admin, or something other than your name.
Log out and log back in to your system using your new administrator account.
Click on the Users section to view users and tap delete under your original admin account. Make sure to attribute content to your new user profile so you don't lose any content.
You can disable other usernames with a single click. For this, youunited kingdom mobile phone number can install the SiteGround Optimizer plugin. It is a free tool that allows you to protect your page and promotes WordPress security. You can use this plugin to disable common usernames. The plugin will detect if you have multiple users with weak usernames and suggest you to disable them.

2. Have Strong Passwords
As is known, most people like to use classic passwords such as birthdates. This is very pleasing to attackers. It is very easy to guess weak passwords. For example, when you post about your birthday or age on social media, you give a big clue about your birthdate. This is critical information for attackers. If you use passwords such as birthdates on your WordPress system, you are at risk.

You can keep your WordPress system secure by using a strong password. It is best to choose long, random strings of symbols, letters, and numbers. WordPress now offers the opportunity to create strong passwords. You can find a wide variety of tools to help you create strong passwords by logging into WordPress.org/plugins . You can make your passwords more secure by installing one of these plugins.

If you have regular users as well as users such as authors or administrators and want them to have ease of use when using your page and logging into the site; you can choose to use strong passwords only for high-level accounts.

Strong passwords contain complex symbols. If you want to know how to deal with these, you can try a password manager tool. Most modern password managers work on both mobile and desktop and sync your data across devices.
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