Cold Fusion links on MySpace . In the reply to the above post, the websites technical staff clarified that this is for connection compatibility. The technology behind it is BlueDrag on.NET , which allows you to run Cold Fusion scripts on ASP.NET. Several Atlasrelated posts on Scott Guthries blog Drag and Drop ASP.NET . Web Parts in FireFox with Atlas httpweblogs. netscott guarchive6344 444 Atlas Presentation and Samples httpweblo gs.netsco ttguarchive 634468 Making a List, Checking it Twice Cool Ajax Sample App with ASP.NET . and Atlas httpwe blogs.netsc ottguarchi ve643399 Paging through lots of data efficiently and in an Ajax way with ASP.NET . httpw eblogs.netsc ottgu archive643434 3. AJAX is.
Used to improve the interaction between users and browserbased applications and provide a benin phone number data user experience. Currently, a very popular application trend is Mashup , which integrates data and content from multiple channels to provide users with an integrated experience. Common Mashups are Mapping Mashups and Video Mashups. Microsoft held two talks at Mix6 discussing AJAX architecture and application issues. For details, please refer to the following blog Architecting and using ASP.NET Atlas davb oscharchive 634666 4. Use Atlass virtual earth map control to construct a U.S. national park mashup Building a Mashup of National Parks using the Atla s Virtual Earth Map.
Control httpblogs omjhawka rchive636668 . Source Scott Guthrie ASP.NET RSS Toolkit, which includes the RSS Data Source control for displaying RSS and the RSS HTTP handler for generating RSS. Awesome ASP.NET . RSS ToolKit Released http blogs.comd mitryr archive636.NET Tips 64 by Just be happy . Source Jess Rodrguez W3C publishes working draft for XMLHttpRe quest The XMLH ttpRequest Object httpwww.w3.or gTR6WD XMLHttpRequest64 . Source Federal Developer Weblog Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar This tool can help developers quickly generate web pages, understand and troubleshoot web page problems. Its functions include viewing and changing the DOM model of the web page, selectively prohibiting Internet Explorer from settingclearing cache and cookies,.
Then Wrote A Few Slides But
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