It’s important to clarify that we have clients from various sectors

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It’s important to clarify that we have clients from various sectors

Post by sumona »

Take a look at the graphic below: Expert-driven content is a form of content crafted through interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs), offering firsthand knowledge and perspective on a particular topic. This content type integrates direct quotes and insights from the expert, enriching the narrative and providing original perspectives that engage the audience with authoritative and insightful analysis. As you can see, blogs that have consistently implemented expert-driven content from the outset demonstrate a clear pattern of constant growth.

In contrast, those that have gradually introduced expert-driven content show signs security and commodity brokers email list of stagnation with occasional fluctuations. Moreover, blogs adhering to traditional SEO strategies without adapting to content specialization are facing a decline in traffic. These insights underscore the importance of expert-driven content in staying competitive and achieving sustainable growth in the current SEO climate. The table below also showcases improvements achieved in just three months by one of our clients (which, again, we’ll keep the name confidential), including a 398% increase in CTR (Click-Through Rate) and a 67% rise in SERP (Search Engine Results Page) positioning.

To ensure we delivered expert-driven content that reflected the expected quality, we relied on our pool of 15,000 talented writers within WriterAccess, our talent marketplace. We also adopted an interview process with specialists to ensure current and relevant quotes. The results speak for themselves. Here is a significant note: In this article, I’ve emphasized actions necessary to enhance your content strategy and secure a competitive edge in this new era of SEO changes.
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