Filter 17: Email campaign email campaign filter If you have your email service provider (i.e., Mailchimp, Active Campaign or HubSpot) connected to Leadfeeder, you can segment leads based on an email campaign. Actionable Next Step: Like sorting lead lists by a referring URL, B2B marketers can segment by an email campaign to monitor performance. With data in hand, it’s easier to course correct if campaigns are pulling in low-quality leads.
Filter 18: Connection to CRM connection to crm filter As mentioned previously, to view CRM activity filters, you must have your CRM connected to Leadfeeder. The connection to CRM filter provides insight as to colombia business email database which prospects are, or are not, added to your CRM platform. Actionable Next Step: Sales reps can determine which leads exist solely in Leadfeeder to add them to a CRM and improve data quality.
Filter 19: CRM company owner applies to the person — or sales rep — in your company who owns specific leads. Actionable Next Step: Sales managers can create custom feeds by the company owner to monitor a prospect’s stage in the sales cycle and determine if any follow-up is needed. Filter 20: Assignee assignee custom filter If you don’t have a CRM integrated with Leadfeeder, you can create custom feeds using the Leadfeeder activities category.