Anyone who knows me a little knows that I am far from perfect. I make quite a few mistakes in my daily life, both personally and professionally.
Mistakes that, on the other hand, I am proud of because it is precisely from them that we learn in order to improve and grow.
I have also made (quite a few) mistakes on my business website during this time and have therefore learned valuable lessons from these experiences as well.
This is precisely what I am going to talk to you about today in this post: the mistakes I have made to date on my business website.
My goal in writing these lines is to save you the time I have spent with the "trial and error" method when making them, so that you do not fall into them and can make the most of your business website from day one to meet the objectives you set for yourself with your presence on the Internet.
Don't confuse this post with the one I wrote some time ago about the 12 mistakes you should avoid making on your business website .
On that occasion I was talking to you about design errors .
Today I want to talk to you more about errors in web content or internet entrepreneurship .
The list goes up to 10 mistakes I've made. Take a look and tell me in the comments what you think about them.
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Error 1# Not planning my website based on my objectives
Error 2# Not defining which audience I was addressing
Mistake 3# Not specializing and being a “flea market”
Error 4# Not being myself or showing who I am to the public
Error 5# The content on my website and blog was “too professional”
Error 6# Not including the subscriber list and email marketing in my web strategy
Mistake 7# Seeing other professionals in my same sector as enemies
Error 8# Not posting on my blog regularly
Mistake 9# Being afraid to publish valuable content for people who are interested in topics related to my sector
Mistake 10# Not using social media correctly
Are you thinking about creating a website for your business and still have questions about how or why these tips can help you?
Do you already have a website for your business and want to tell me about your experience with these or other mistakes you have made (or think you are making)?
Error 1# Not planning my website based on my objectives
The first of these mistakes was creating a website denmark telegram phone numbers knowing what I wanted it for or what I intended to achieve with it .
Not carefully analyzing the results I wanted to achieve led me to make many mistakes both in the initial content of my blog and in the design, which was not really aimed at achieving anything at all.
Result: my content was not attractive and no one visited my website.
Don't fall into this trap: define very well before implementing a web design what you intend to achieve with your presence on the Internet.
It could be creating a community on a specific topic through a subscriber list or a forum, promoting the sale of a series of star products from your physical store, having people call you on a phone number, having clients interested in your services or products leave you their email to create a database of potential clients...
Whatever it is, define it as well and in as much detail as possible before you start designing anything. Doing so will save you time, corrections, and various design modifications in the long run.
Objectives of a business website
Error 2# Not defining which audience I was addressing
It is as important to know what you intend to achieve as it is to know who you want to convey what you want to convey to.
Let me explain it to you in a simpler way.
It is not the same if your services are aimed at companies or businesses (as is my case) than at the general public.
It is not the same if your products are aimed at women or men (it is clear that we think and act differently).
Addressing a young audience is not the same as addressing parents of small children or retirees.
When I started, I wrote for the world at large without taking into account that not everyone is interested in reading me or buying my services.
Imagining and defining your ideal client will help you enormously in targeting the audience interested in your content, services and products.
The more you define the type of client you want, the more clients your website will generate for your business. You can bet on that.