There are many different domain name generators

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There are many different domain name generators

Post by zihadhosenjm90 »

There are many different domain name generators available, but they all work in essentially the same way. They let you input a keyword or phrase (which will normally be related to your niche), and they generate a list of potential domain names you could use.

Most domain name generators will indicate whether or not those domains are actually available, too—and many offer up easy links so you can buy the domain name you like right away.

For more, check out my list: 21 Best Domain Name Generators for Bloggers.

9. Consider the 7 Key Factors That Make a Smart Domain Name
If you have several potential domain names to choose from and don’t feel strongly attracted to any particular option, run each of your domain names through this test.

You might not be able to nail all of these factors perfectly when choosing a domain name for your blog, but the more you can check off, the better your domain name will likely be in the long run.

1. A Good Domain Name is Reasonably Short
Yes, domain names can have up to 63 characters (not counting afghanistan telemarketing data suffix), but you definitely don’t want to use them all. Pretty much never.

If your domain name contains more than three words, consider whether you could go with something shorter. Domain names that are too long are often perceived as spammy.

Short domain names are also easier to show in a video, on social media, and printed on business cards, and most importantly, they’re more memorable to readers.

2. Smart Domain Names Leave No Ambiguity
Because a domain name displays as all lower-case letters in a browser address bar—and because people tend to type them that way when sharing a blog’s name with others—you must look out for accidental ambiguities or potentially embarrassing misspellings.

For example, here are a few unfortunately named sites (that didn’t do a great job when choosing a domain name):
While the names of these sites are actually “Pen Island,” “Experts Exchange,” and “Children’s Laughter…” that may not have been immediately clear when just scanning the domain name.
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