Question: how did you get to this post? Maybe you’re a Rock Content superfan. You visit our site daily or weekly and consume every last resource we produce. If so, you’re the real rock star! But we’re realists here. We know that’s just not how blog content works most of the time. Chances are, you got here because you had a question.
Very likely, that question was some variation of “are blogs outdated” or “is blogging buy malta telegram database still important” — something in that world, right? You asked your search engine of choice, and it brought you here. To a blog. A blog that is going to clearly and authoritatively answer your search intent. (In fact, if we’re doing it right, we were the top result or even captured a snippet!) So, basically, blogs aren’t outdated because they still do exactly the two things they’re intended to do: Provide the information searchers are looking for.
Get searchers onto your site (and into your brand). No matter what you’re doing, making, selling or offering, you need to grow traffic and grow leads, and blogging remains a highly effective way to do that — as long as you’re doing it the right way. Interactive checklist -- increase blog's traffic Other Benefits of Blogging Getting searchers to your website is the biggest and most important thing blogging can do for you, but there are plenty of other benefits you can (still) realize through blogging.